姓 名全东出生年月1986.08性 别男学 历博士研究生专业技术职务教授导师聘任时间2021.7 (硕导、博导)行政职务副所长学术团体兼职泰山学者青年专家;中国复合材料学会会员;入选山东省泰山学者青年专家、山东省海外优青、欧盟H2020玛丽-局里学者、山东大学齐鲁青年学者、山东大学小米青年学者;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、欧盟“地平线”2020计划项目、山东省优秀青年基金项目等纵向项目;承担“山东大学-中航和..." />


发布日期:2021-06-01 作者:必赢官网 浏览次数:









2021.7 (硕导、博导)






入选山东省泰山学者青年专家、山东省海外青、欧盟H2020玛丽-局里学者、山东大学齐鲁青年学者、山东大学小米青年学者主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、欧盟地平线2020计划项目、山东省优秀青年基金项目纵向项目;承担山东大学-中航和辉山东大学-中航和辉轻量化航空结构成型研究中心山东大学-扬州辰冠高性能复合材料联合实验室以及其他多项横向项目,研究经费累计1000余万元;近5年,第一/通讯作者发表SCI收录论文36第一作者论文被引用1000余次,撰写英文专著一章;担任国际知名SCI期刊Thin-Walled Structures中科院1客座编辑研究成果庞巴迪航空、空客汉高企业广泛应用。

1. 学习和工作经历

2021.05~至今,  bwin必赢,塑性成形与模具技术研究所,教授齐鲁青年学者





2. 研究领域介绍



3. 取得科研成果情况


1.Jiaming Liu, Dong Quan* The mix-mode fracture behaviour of aerospace composite joints co-cured by different forms of advanced thermoplastics, Composites Communications, 38 (2023) 101519 (中科院二区;IF= 7.685).

2.D. Quan et al. Co-curing bonding of carbon fibre/epoxy composite joints with excellent structure integrity using carbon fibre/PEEK tapes, Composites Science and Technology, 227 (2022) 109567 (中科院IF= 9.879).

3.D. Quan et al. The development of high performance hybrid joints between epoxy composites and PEEK/PPS composites: The mode-II and mix mode-I/II fracture behaviour, Composite Structures 292 (2022) 115638 (中科院IF= 6.603).

4.D. Quan* et al. On the fracture behaviour of aerospace-grade Polyether-ether-ketone composite-to-aluminium adhesive joints, Composites Communications 30 (2022) 101098 (中科院IF= 7.685).

5.Dong Quan et al. On the mix-mode fracture of carbon fibre/epoxy composites interleaved with various thermoplastic veils, Composites Communications, 33 (2022)101230 (中科院二区;IF= 7.685).

6.D. Quan* et al. Recycled carbon fibre mats for interlayer toughening of carbon fibre/epoxy composites, Materials & Design 218 (2022) 110671中科院IF= 9.417).

7.D. Quan* et al. Fatigue delamination behaviour of carbon fibre/epoxy composites interleaved with thermoplastic veils, Composite Structures 281 (2022) 114903 (中科院IF= 6.603).

8.Dong Quan et al. Co-curing bonded composite joints by advanced thermoplastic films with excellent structural integrity and thermal resistance. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 118 (2022) 103247 (中科院二区;IF=3.848).

9.D. Quan et al. Mode-II fracture behaviour of aerospace-grade carbon fibre/epoxy composites interleaved with thermoplastic veils, Composites Science and Technology 191 (2020) 108065. (中科院IF= 9.879).

10.D. Quan* et al. Significantly enhanced structural integrity of adhesively bonded PPS and PEEK composite joints by rapidly UV-irradiating the substrates, Composites Science and Technology 199 (2020) 108358 (中科院IF= 9.879).

11.D. Quan et al. Improving the electrical conductivity and fracture toughness of carbon fibre/epoxy composites by interleaving MWCNT-doped thermoplastic veils, Composites Science and Technology 182 (2019) 107775 (中科院IF= 9.879).

12.D. Quan et al. Effect of interlaying UV-irradiated PEEK fibres on the mechanical, impact and fracture response of aerospace-grade carbon fibre/epoxy composites, Composites Part B: Engineering 191 (2020) 107923 (中科院IF= 11.322).

13.D. Quan* et al. Rapid surface activation of carbon fibre reinforced PEEK and PPS composites by high-power UV-irradiation for the adhesive joining of dissimilar materials, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 137 (2020) 105976. (中科院IF= 9.463).

14.D. Quan et al. Interlaminar fracture toughness of aerospace-grade carbon fibre reinforced plastics interleaved with thermoplastic veils, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 128 (2020) 105642 (中科院IF= 9.463).

15.D. Quan et al. Enhancing mode-I and mode-II fracture toughness of epoxy and carbon fibre reinforced epoxy composites using multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Materials & Design 143 (2018) 81-92 (中科IF= 9.417).

16.D. Quan* et al. The influence of interlayer/epoxy adhesion on the mode-I and mode-II fracture response of carbon fibre/epoxy composites interleaved with thermoplastic veils, Materials & Design 192 (2020) 108781(中科院IF= 9.417).

17.D. Quan et al. Fracture behaviour of carbon fibre/epoxy composites interleaved by MWCNT- and graphene nanoplatelet-doped thermoplastic veils, Composite Structures 235 (2020) 111767 (中科院IF= 6.603).

18.D. Quan et al. Interlaminar fracture toughness of CFRPs interleaved with stainless steel fibres, Composite Structures 210 (2019) 49-56 (中科院IF= 6.603).

19.D. Quan et al. The enhancement of adhesively-bonded aerospace-grade composite joints using steel fibres, Composite Structures 198 (2018) 11-18 (中科院IF= 6.603).

20.D. Quan* et al. Co-cure joining of epoxy composites with rapidly UV-irradiated PEEK and PPS composites to achieve high structural integrity, Composite Structures 251 (2020) 112595 (科院IF= 6.603).

21.D. Quan* et al. Enhancing the fracture toughness of carbon fibre/epoxy composites by interleaving hybrid meltable/non-meltable thermoplastic veils, Composite Structures 252 (2020) 112699 (中科院IF= 6.603).

22.D. Quan et al. Effect of core-shell rubber (CSR) nano-particles on mechanical properties and fracture toughness of an epoxy polymer. Polymer 66 (0) (2015) 16-28 (中科院IF= 4.432).

23.D. Quan et al. The intrinsic fracture property of a rubber-modified epoxy adhesive: geometrical transferability, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 203 (2018) 240-249. (中科院IF= 4.898).

24.D. Quan et al. Fracture behaviour of epoxy adhesive joints modified with core-shell rubber nanoparticles. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 566-576. (中科院IF= 4.898).

25.D. Quan et al. Fracture behaviour of a nano-modified structural epoxy adhesive: bond gap effects and fracture damage zone. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 77 (2017) 138-150 (中科院IF=3.848).

26.D. Quan et al. Mechanical and fracture properties of epoxy adhesives modified with graphene nanoplatelets and rubber particles. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 81 (2018) 21-29 (中科IF=3.848).

27.D. Quan et al. Carbon nanotubes and core-shell rubber nanoparticles modified structural epoxy adhesives, Journal of Materials Science 52 (2017) 4493-4508 (中科IF= 4.682).

28.D. Quan et al. Synergistic toughening and electrical functionalization of an epoxy using MWCNTs and silane-/plasma-activated basalt fibres, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138 (2021) 49605 (中科院IF=3.057).

29.D. Quan et al. Interaction of Toughening Mechanisms in Ternary Nanocomposites. Polymer Composites 39 (2018) 3482-3496 (中科院IF=3.531).

30.D. Quan et al. Damage behaviour of nano-modified epoxy adhesives subject to high stress constraint. The Journal of Adhesion 94 (2018) 387-405 (中科院IF=2.917).

31.Gennaro Scarselli, D. Quan* et al. Adhesion Improvement of ThermoplasticsBased Composites by Atmospheric Plasma and UV Treatments. Applied Composite Materials 28 (2021) 71-89. (中科院IF=2.368).

32.D. Quan et al. The curing behaviour and thermo-mechanical properties of core-shell rubber (CSR) modified epoxy nanocomposites. Polymers and Polymer Composites 27 (2019) 168-175 (中科院IF=1.841).

4. 承担科研项目情况

1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027,主持

2) 济南市新高校20产业创新载体项目,2024-2026,主持

3) 山东省泰山学者青年专家项目,2023-2026,主持

4) 山东省自然科学基金优秀青年基金(海外),2022-2025,主持

5) 山东大学齐鲁青年学者项目(一层次),2021-2026,主持

6) 山东大学卓越攻关项目,2024-2026,主持

7) 山东大学-中航和辉轻量化航空结构成型研究中心,2023-2026,主持

8) 山东大学-扬州辰冠高性能复合材料联合实验室,2023-2026,主持

9) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2026,主持

10) 欧盟地平线2020计划玛丽-居里学者项目,2019-2021,主持

11) 爱尔兰复合材料研究中心核心科研项目(爱尔兰贸易与科技局),2016-2019,主研

12) 企业科技合作项目,贝卡尔特(比利时),2014-2015,主研

13) 企业科技合作项目,庞巴迪宇航(英国),2014-2015,主研

5. 学生培









