The structure, properties, processing and application of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites will be mainly introduced in this course. It takes about 32 teaching hours to teach about 14 chapters as belows:
Chapter 1, MSE : Introduction to Materials Science & Engineering, The course objective is to introduce fundamental concepts in Material Science and we will learn about materials structure ,how structure dictates properties and how processing can change structure.
Chapter 2, Atomic Structure and Bonding in Solid, we will address bonding type and properties inferred from bonding.
Chapter 3, The Structures of Metals, Issues to address is how do atoms assemble into solid structures, how does the density of a material depend on its structures and when do material properties vary with the sample orientation.
Chapter 4, Defects in Solids, We will learn the types of defects arise in solids and how do defects affect material properties.
Chapter 5, Diffusion in Solids, We will mainly study how does diffusion occur and how does diffusion depend on structure and temperature.
Chapter 6, Mechanical Properties, We will address the stress, strain Elastic behavior, plastic behavior , Toughness and ductility.
Chapter 7, Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms in Metal, we will learn the relationship of strength and dislocation and the method to increase strength.
Chapter 8, Failure of Metals, we will learn the fracture mechanisms and how is fracture resistance quantified.
Chapter 9, Metal Alloy-Applications and Processing, We will address the common fabrication techniques and how properties be modified by heat treatment.
Chapter 10, Ceramics Materials Structure and Properties, We will learn about the structure, point defects, impurities and mechanical properties of ceramics materials.
Chapter 11, Ceramics Materials Applications and Processing, Mainly introduce some applications and processing of ceramics.
Chapter 12, Structures of Polymers, Mainly introduce the basic microstructural features and how the polymer properties affected by molecular weight.
Chapter 13, Polymers-Characteristics, Application and Processing
Chapter 14, Composite Materials, Mainly introduce the classes and types, properties and typical applications of composite materials.