1. SCHAFFER, SAXENA, ANTOLOCICH, SANDERS, WARNER The Science and Design of Engineering Materials, 2007.
2. William D. Callister, Jr. Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001, 5th Edition.
3. Michael F. Ashby, David R. H. Jones. Engineering Materials, Butterworth-Heinemann. 2002, 2nd edition.
Adept at reading English literatures and books in material science and engineering including metallic materials, ceramic materials, polymer materials, composite materials and their shaping and control engineering (including liquid metals and costing technology, plastic forming and molding technology, and joint technology) etc. The reading speed is supposed to reach 80-100 words per minute and a large number of vocabularies are required as well. Proficient at translating the literatures by the help of dictionary with the speed of 350 English words into Chinese and 250 Chinese words into English per hour, and the translation should be correct and express the original meaning correctly. Practice students to write English thesis in an accurate way.